Leaflet GeoSearch
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IntroductionInstallationUsing a CDNExampleProvidersBrowser support / PolyfillsUsageLeaflet Control


leaflet-geosearch adds support for geocoding (address lookup, a.k.a. geoseaching) to your (web) application. It comes with controls to be embedded in your Leaflet map.

We support the following providers out-of-the-box: Bing, Esri, Google, OpenStreetMap, LocationIQ, OpenCage.

Although this project is named leaflet-geosearch, this library is also usable without LeafletJS, and does not have any dependencies on Leaflet whatsoever.


npm install leaflet-geosearch

Include the CSS file somewhere. Where you do this depends a bit on your build pipeline.

import 'node_modules/leaflet-geosearch/dist/geosearch.css';

Using a CDN

To load leaflet-geosearch from a CDN instead of using a bundler take the following preparation steps:

Include the CSS file in the head section of your page:


Include the JavaScript file before the closing body tag, if you're using it with the leaflet, make sure to include it after leaflet's javascript file

<!-- Make sure you put this AFTER leaflet.js, when using with leaflet -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet-geosearch@latest/dist/bundle.min.js"></script>

Now you're ready to use the control or providers. Just remember that your "import" syntax will be a bit different from what the docs are using.

// when the docs use an import:
import { OpenStreetMapProvider } from 'leaflet-geosearch';
const provider = new OpenStreetMapProvider();
// you want to get it of the window global
const provider = new GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider();


A basic working example would look like:

// Either get GeoSearch from the window global, or import from `leaflet-geosearch`
// import * as GeoSearch from 'leaflet-geosearch';
const map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
const search = new GeoSearch.GeoSearchControl({
provider: new GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider(),


leaflet-geosearch uses so-called "providers" to take care of building the correct service URL and parsing the retrieved data into a uniform format. Thanks to this architecture, it is trivial to add your own providers, so you can use your own geocoding service.

When OpenStreetMap does not match your needs; you can also choose to use the Bing, Esri, Google, LocationIQ, or OpenCage providers. Most of those providers do however require API keys. See the documentation pages on the relevant organisations on how to obtain these keys.

In case you decide to write your own provider, please consider submitting a PR to share your work with us.

Providers are unaware of any options you can give them. They are simple proxies to their endpoints. There is only one special property, and that is the params option. The difference being; that params will be included in the endpoint url. Being Often used for API KEYS, while the other attributes can be used for provider configuration.

Browser support / Polyfills

This project is written with the latest technologies in mind. Thereby it is required to include some polyfills when you wish to support older browsers. These polyfills are recommended for IE and Safari support:

  • babel-polyfill, for array.includes support.
  • unfetch, for fetch requests.